Source code for karld.conversion_operators

from operator import methodcaller

    from itertools import imap
except ImportError:
    imap = map

import logging
import re
from collections import OrderedDict

from karld import is_py3

if is_py3():
    unicode = str

NOT_NUMBER_REG = re.compile(r'\D')

str_strip = methodcaller('strip')

[docs]def apply_conversion_map(conversion_map, entity): """ returns tuple of conversions """ return tuple([conversion(entity) for key, conversion in conversion_map])
[docs]def apply_conversion_map_map(conversion_map, entity): """ returns ordered dict of keys and converted values """ return OrderedDict([(key, conversion(entity)) for key, conversion in conversion_map])
[docs]def get_number_as_int(number): """Returns the first number from a string.""" number_parts = NOT_NUMBER_REG.split(number) if number_parts: try: return int(number_parts[0]) except ValueError: logging.exception("Couldn't convert {0} " "to an int".format(number_parts)) raise
[docs]def join_stripped_gotten_value(sep, getters, data): """ Join the values, coerced to str and stripped of whitespace padding, from entity, gotten with collection of getters, with the separator. :param sep: Separator of values. :type sep: str :param getters: collection of callables takes that data and returns value. :param data: argument for the getters """ return sep.join( filter( None, imap(str_strip, imap(unicode, filter(None, [getter(data) for getter in getters])))))
[docs]def join_stripped_values(sep, collection_getter, data): """ Join the values, coerced to str and stripped of whitespace padding, from entity, gotten with collection_getter, with the separator. :param sep: Separator of values. :type sep: str :param collection_getter: callable takes that data and returns collection. :param data: argument for the collection_getter """ return sep.join( filter( None, imap(str_strip, imap(unicode, filter(None, collection_getter(data))))))